Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Join Half-Marathon in Phnom Penh this June 2012

Will you join half marathon for this coming June?
I will do again as last year.

Phnom Penh International Half Marathon 2012 is opening for registration, deadline 11th of June, running on 17th of June.

Here are the options for you to choose
  • 21Km: foreigner $35.00 US, Cambodian $5.00 US
  • 10Km: foreigner $35.00 US, Cambodian $5.00 US
  • 5Km: forreigner $10.00 US, Cambodian $5.00 US
  • 3Km: foreigner $10.00 US, Cambodian $2.00 US
(Check the price at the website:
Where you can register:
You can subscribe via following website:
And go to register officially at following stations which located in 3 places:
  1. Station 1: #37, St. 2011, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sensok
  2. Station 2: Sunway Hotel next to Watt Phnom, Opposite to US Embassy
  3. Station 3: Orchidée Restaurant, #82, Corner St. 464 and St. 155, Sangkat Toul Tompoul 1, next to Krouch Vannak Dental Clinic.

See you there!